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zaterdag 30 april 2011

Jan Thiel

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Broeder Theo verzamelt graag stenen.

De bedoeling was een paar eenden te fotograferen. Ik zie ze niet.
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dog and bird

Plotseling renden twee honden over het water. Een van hem was nog net op de foto te vangen.
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woensdag 20 april 2011

perfect reflection at Jan Thiel


Even in difficult times one can prosper. It is all about your determination not to give up.
Even though part of us could die it does not mean you have to give up. Nature gives us the perfect example how to revive yourself.


Plants adapt to the fact that there is not enough water. They just wait for the good times to return.
When we reach a low period in our lives we should adapt and look for ways to get back on track.

In sameness we feel safe

But are we not standing still by keeping everything the same?
Not one stone is the same. So why do people want that from other people?
Appreciate yourself as you are. And appreciate the uniqueness of others around you.

zondag 6 maart 2011

Zondagochtend vroeg samen met broeder Theo, Irene en mijn moeder op stap bij de St. Joris baai.
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